Composition of natural healing water

Physical and chemical analysis of natural healing mineral water from the springs in Trenčianske Teplice

Zloženie prírodnej liečivej vody
CATIONS   mg/l mval/l mval%
Calcium Ca2+ 475.0 23.702 61.7
Magnesium Mg2+ 109.8 9.025 23.4
Stroncium Sr2+ 9.1 0.2075 0.5
Iron Fe2+ 0.15 0.005 -
Manganese Mn2+ 0.01 0.0003 -
Sodium Na+ 110.2 4.494 12.5
Potassium K2+ 28.5 0.730 1.9
Total     38.464  
ANIONS   mg/liter mval/liter mval%
Chlorine Cl 109.0 3.074 7.9
Bromine Br 0.3 0.0037 -
Iodine J 0.02 0.0002 -
Disulfide SO4 1380.0 28.704 74.0
Carbonates HCO3 426.0 6.986 18.1
Total     38.768  
Free carbon dioxide CO2 105.4
Free hydrogen sulfide H2S 3.74
Oxygen O2 0.198
Nitrogen N2 25.3
Methane CH4 0.437
Ethane and higher paraffines C26 0.000
Trenčianske TepliceOOCR Trenčianske TepliceTrenčínSlovakia RingUrbánekNestléVšeobecná zdravotná poisťovňaTrenčianska univerzita