
The bestseller for regeneration - a complex medical spa stay. The best of medical spa treatments under supervision of spa physicians.

Dr. Klasik
Recommended length of stay 6 nights and more
Accommodation Hotels: Krym, Pax, Slovakia
Spa guest houses (SGH): Atlantis, Viktória, Pramenný dvor, Esplanade
Number of treatments per stay 18 and more (3 per day)
Medical examination initial and final medical examination
Types of treatments individually created medical program based on the recommendations of spa physicians
Meals - Krym/Pax/Slovakia full board - buffet style breakfast, lunch and dinner, drinks not included
(option to switch to half board for a rebate of 5 € / day)
Meals - Atlantis, other SGH full board - buffet style breakfast, selection from a menu at lunch and dinner
(option to switch to half board for a rebate of 2 € / day)
Bonuses 1x per 6 nights Small wellness circuit at the hotel SLOVAKIA 80 minutes
1x per 6 nights Big wellness circuit at the hotel SLOVAKIA 120 minutes
10 % off on additional treatment purchases
15 % off with wellness circuits purchases at the hotel SLOVAKIA
3x per 6 nights entry to the GRAND outdoor pool (80 minutes) during operation
Additional procedures and services possible to purchase additional medical, deluxe or relax procedures according to one's own choice.
Price: from € 76.- per person per night


Medical house Main season 21.04.-28.09.2025 Out of season 29.09.-20.12.2025 Christmas and New Year's Eve 21.12.-31.12.2025 Winter season 01.01.-20.04.2025 Single bed Suite
KRYM comfort (zatvorený 06.-30.01.25) 100 € 94 € 92 € 25 € 40 €
KRYM standard (zatvorený 06.-30.01.25) 98 € 92 € 90 € 20 € 30 €
PAX comfort 98 € 92 € 90 € 12 € 30 €
Slovakia comfort 100 € 94 € 92 € 14 € 30 €
Atlantis (zatvorený 13.12.24-02.03.25) 88 € 82 € 79 € 9 € 16 €
Ostatné LD (zatvorené 08.12.24-02./30.03.25) 83 € 77 € 76 € 9 €

Stay Price Calculation

This calculation is valid only for the year 2025

Double bed Single bed Suite
Half board Full board

Important Information

Check-ins for a stay and room check-outs

Contact persons:

Martinčeková Lívia

+421/32/6514 798

Kazíková Jana

+421/32/6514 789

Central booking number: +421/32/6514 000
E-mail: obchod@slktn.sk

Parking lot information Parking lot information


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