
Senior age brings difficulties which can be optimally addressed during a stay in the thermal spa with professional medical care and spa treatments.

Dr. Senior
Minimum age 60 years
Accommodation Hotels: Krym, Pax
Spa guest houses (SGH): Atlantis, Viktória, Pramenný dvor, Esplanade
Recommended length of stay 6 nights and more
Number of treatments per stay 12 and more (2 per day)
Medical examination initial and final medical examination
Types of treatments thermal bath, classic massage, peat pack / sea mud, swimming or tub pearlbath with additives, oxygen therapy (60 minutes)
Meals - Krym / Pax full board - buffet style breakfast, lunch and dinner, drinks not included (option to switch to half board for a rebate of 5 €/day/person)
Meals - Atlantis / other SGH full board - buffet style breakfast, selection from a menu at lunch and dinner (option to switch to half-board for a rebate of 2 €/day/person)
Dietary and vegetarian meals available
Bonuses 10% off on additional treatment purchases
20% off with wellness circuits purchases at the hotel SLOVAKIA
3x per 6 nights entry to the GRAND outdoor pool (80 minutes) during operation
Additional procedures and services possibility to purchase additional medical, deluxe or relax procedures according one's own choice.
Price: from € 73.- per person per night


Medical house Main season 21.04.-28.09.2025 Out of season 29.09.-20.12.2025 Christmas and New Year's Eve 21.12.-31.12.2025 Winter season 01.01.-20.04.2025 Single bed Suite
KRYM comfort (zatvorený 06.-30.01.25) 92 € 88 € 86 € 25 € 40 €
KRYM standard (zatvorený 06.-30.01.25) 90 € 86 € 84 € 20 € 30 €
PAX comfort 90 € 86 € 84 € 12 € 30 €
Atlantis (zatvorený 13.12.24-02.03.25) 83 € 79 € 76 € 9 € 16 €
Ostatné LD (zatvorené 08.12.24-02./30.03.25) 80 € 74 € 73 € 9 €

Stay Price Calculation

This calculation is valid only for the year 2025

Double bed Single bed Suite
Half board Full board

Important Information

Check-ins for a stay and room check-outs

Contact persons:

Martinčeková Lívia

+421/32/6514 798

Kazíková Jana

+421/32/6514 789

Central booking number: +421/32/6514 000
E-mail: obchod@slktn.sk

Parking lot information Parking lot information


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