Thermal healing water

Thermal water – the Treasure of Trenčianske Teplice

Trenčianske Teplice hides a unique treasure – unique healing thermal water, beneficial mostly for the musculoskeletal system. Without any need for treatment, e.g. heating, cooling or transportation, the rare elements contained in this healing water are used for thermal baths for the guests of the spa in Trenčianske Teplice. The spa uses 6 springs of this precious healing water in the thermal pools:
› Sina pool
› Pool of MUDr. Čapek – PI
› PII pool
› PIII pool
› PK pool

Kúpeľ Sina
Pool Sina
Bazén MUDr. Čapka – PI
Pool MUDr. Čapka – PI
Bazén PII
Pool PII
Bazén PIII
Bazén Krym - PK
Pool Krym - PK

Uniqueness of the thermal water.

The sulfurous hot springs in Trenčianske Teplice are unique thanks to the optimal balneology temperature in each of the springs from 38.4 to 40°C, which allows their direct use for external balneotherapy without heating or cooling. This fact plays an important role in the treatment effect, as hydrogen sulfide is a gas soluble in water, which by heating, cooling or transporting quickly escapes into the air.
Application sites of this rare healing element in Trenčianske Teplice are located above or in the immediate vicinity of the springs. Reflex changes, which are objective expressions of pain in musculoskeletal disorders, are characterised by poor blood supply via narrowed capillaries. Hydrogen sulfide passes through the skin into the body and dilates the capillaries. Research work also clearly demonstrated the overall analgesic effect (pain relief) of hydrogen sulfide, which is experienced not only during the bath, but also after it has finished. Sulfur is absorbed from the skin even after the procedure, therefore it is recommended not to shower immediately after the bath.
The history of spa treatment in Trenčianske Teplice is also the history of non-pharmacological pain treatment. The sulfate, calcium-magnesium sulfurous water used to flow into specially prepared pits where sick horses were bathed. The age of this water was determined by the carbon method to 20,000 – 23,000 years, which guarantees its ecological purity.
The spa in Trenčianske Teplice also utilizes healing peloids: natural sulfurous mineralized fango and natural peat. The peat used in this spa has excellent thermal properties and exceptional chemical effects. Acidity of the peat increases blood circulation in tissues at the application site, the content of humic acids and bitumen has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Peat is mined in environmentally clean areas and is certified by a reference laboratory for the assessment of peloids. The natural sulfurous mineralized fango is an excellent heat treatment means and has an analgesic effect thanks to the content of free sulfur – a good combination for musculoskeletal diseases.

Author: Doc.MUDr.Juraj Čelko, PhD.

Physicals and chemical analysis of natural healing mineral water from the springs in Trenčianske Teplice.

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